Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brown, please. No, two slices will be fine.

On our leisure day at Poplars near Toad River we drive the short distance to the lodge at Muncho Lake for lunch.  Again the scenery is incredible but no sheep.   We settle for spotting two female moose. 

A map looks over Martha.
Bear trap at Poplars, in storage.

A small old building with gas pumps out front offers lodge-type services and Jane checks it out – it is a one-person bakery and breakfast/lunch place, intriguing for its thick-sliced specialty breads (“white or brown”).  We go on and find Larry and Martha at the true lodge having lunch, but decide to drop back to our earlier discovery.  No regrets, but Martha reports their meal was also excellent.  (Yes, our place offers cinnamon buns, seemingly the official baked good of the Alaska Highway.   I decide I want something healthier, like bacon.)

I fuel at $1.99/liter at a place with over 6800 hats tacked to the ceiling.  At our evening GAM (“Get Acquainted Meeting”, where the 78 caravan members break into small groups to get to know each other) we meet two couples that were part of the group that attempted to repeat the famous Cape Town to Cairo caravan from the 1950s.  It never got off the ground, not surprisingly.  But at least one of the couples had committed to the point of actually buying a trailer to use, with the intent of leaving it in Africa.

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