It is Marcia’s birthday and I present her with a card and a small
bouquet of attractive fireweed, yanked out of the bushes in front of the post
office. I prepare a hot breakfast. It is the best I can do.
We discover a cruise ship is in town, a fairly small Regency
holding only 500 passengers. Barry finds on the Internet their passengers probably paid over $7000. Cruise ships have their place, but we have no envy.
We explore Seward, watch a movie about the 1964 earthquake, and
go to the museum. It turns out our waterfront campground replaced the Alaska Railway switchyard, destroyed
by the quake and tsunami. A good
reapplication of the land since RVs can usually move to higher ground
on short notice, but someday I’m sure there will be pressure to build
resorts here.
Dinner is hobo soup – we all bring cans of soup that are combined
in a couple huge pots. Sandy adds some other items, such as some meat
she has separately cooked. JJ holds a
brief drivers meeting and the group sings a happy birthday to Marcia. Dinner ends with an informal beach campfire.
Mike and Jim2 miss dinner as they have been out all day on a
charter fishing boat. Mike returns with
a salmon and two halibut, a very happy man.
Jim2 is also successful.
Downtown Seward. |
Our campground is on the rail-yard in the foreground, destroyed in the earthquake. |
Steve and Lynne and family go for a walk in Seward. |
Bill and Patty pass out seconds on hobo soup. |
JJ goes for it. |
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